Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sidewalk: hope in unexpected places

The past few months of my life have been challenging, heart wrenching, beautiful, hopeful, painful, exhausting, fun, hilarious, and hard. As a teacher, I have learned far more than I ever did as a student. But this growth came through those tough moments when all I could see was the ways that I screwed up. But as for me I will always have hope

One day driving home from school exhausted and discouraged, I saw something that gave me hope--sunlight. I captured the above image while waiting at a stoplight. It was such an ordinary place, but the light still shone down on the crumbling pavement outside my window. Beauty transcended brokenness.

These few stumbling words explain more:


Orbs drifting through blades
of grass--
remnants of
that celestial light,
that sapphire sky
as water sitting still
after dust, pebbles, algae

Flares float
white styrofoam and
a muddy sock
nestled in chaos:
weeds sprawling across
cracked cement.
Shadows sketch 
rough lines on asphalt--
an untrained artist
hiding flaws with inky darkness.

But sky and air and light,
these wash the world with clarity,
through a lens 

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