The sunrise over Chattanooga just before the Chickamauga Half Marathon. |
We discussed the difficulty of finding balance with money, even with a budget. What we realized is that we want to be intentional about the way we spend money: not frivolous, not frugal.
One of the greatest and most universal symbols of value is money. The ugly truth is this: I fall for this value system. I seek to accumulate more money and things to reassure myself of my own value and create a threadbare security blanket.
But what if instead of focusing on myself, I directed this resource toward other things that I value. What if I use all of the force of my resources (not just my money) to say to the world, "This is what is important to me."
Thinking about money made me question myself--What do I really value?
The first things that came up are
My relationship with God
Learning and growing
Being a healthy individual in all facets of my life
Naming a few of the things that are important to me gives me direction and helps me to realize that I want to give my best to these things--not just my money. There are countless ways that I can choose to cherish these things, sometimes that included saying yes, sometimes that includes saying no, and sometimes it means just being present. But I want each decision, conversation, action to be guided by the force of intentionality.
This morning while reflecting on why mornings are so important to me, I wrote this poem, just one way I can choose to cherish mornings. Words are another currency for me that communicates value.
Mornings are better slower,
glazed in light.
Words are better early,
in methodical typeface
and unspoken whispers.
Mornings are better unseen,
noon's rumors not yet spread.
Mornings are better quiet,
nestled, safe,
here--my place in the world.
What are some of the things that you value? What does living intentionally look like for you?
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